Auntie K's Diary




I'm really not in my domain tight now. I just keep getting drunk!!!
1/1 11:25
A question. You're at a house party. You think you're a but tipsy. What would or should do ??
1/1 12:38
1/1 13:50
What a feeling to be alone at the dinner party when I flame withy husband.
1/1 13:55
Happy New Year, everyone !
1/2 5:58
正月からピザですか~⁉︎ 信じれんわ~ショック!
1/2 8:09
1/3 10:34
新しいiPhone買っちゃった音符 6 Plusを買ったけど今の所最適です~合格
1/4 13:31
朝起きたのはイイけど旦那はまだ横でイビキかいて寝てるしw 腹減ったなぁ~。
1/4 22:10